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Dear suffering Mamas whose burden feels too big to bear, so UNFAIR (!):

February 17, 2010


I want to give you hope

I want to speak to you from my deepest heart buried beneath the numbness, the horror, the despair of this wretched monster we call PPD.  I want you to know that you are not, and never will be, alone.  (I know it feels like you are because we are all silenced out here, drowning, but we are here and we need you, your voice, too.) 

You think you are being overtaken by this beast, your greatest foe, but in reality she is yours to conquer, yours to embrace, yours to overcome, and ultimately, yours to ride like the mightiest of dragons.  Maybe your dragon is pink.  Imagine her, imagine her being yours, and you the master of your own destiny, riding into your wildest dreams of health and peace, stronger, better, you.

I know.  It’s so f#*king hard.

I know because in 2006 I gave birth to my second child, and 8 weeks later the world was a ride I wanted to get off.  My mind wouldn’t stop churning, sleep eluded me, and though I knew love was a language I had once spoken with ease, now it was forgotten.  I drifted slowly, then suddenly, into psychosis.  I dreamed I was kidnapped, locked in a dark trunk, suffocating and screaming for my life. 

A week later that dream came true. I was catatonic, and went to the hospital for 7 days.

After all this, I remember a good friend taking me by the shoulders, on my front porch, looking in my eyes with compassion and love.  She said with gravity and rock solid conviction:  You are going to get through this and you are going to rock the world when you do.  We are going to have a party, a “Heidi-conquered-the-world-party”, and the whole world will be invited and will cheer for you.  You’ll see, you are gonna beat this and change the world.


I didn’t believe her.  She had no idea.  I had no hope.  How could she know that?  What did she know about this awful state of mind that robs you of your ability to feel, to love, to care, to focus, to sleep, to be kind, to be yourself

 I never forgot that moment.


(By the way, she was right.)


Don’t forget.  You are gonna beat this.  You are.


And when you do, I want you to climb on your pink dragon and scream to the world that you survived, and ride on, ride on, ride on!!!


Sending you All my ferocious love,

Heidi Howes

5 Comments leave one →
  1. February 17, 2010 8:57 pm

    Beautiful! So glad you shared this…And so glad you’re on the other side.

  2. February 19, 2010 4:32 am

    friends are awesome aren’t they? what an angel and blessing she was. so glad you made it through the fire inspired one.

  3. Carla Benetatos permalink
    March 14, 2010 3:50 am

    WOW!!! I rarely see women say “numb”…that was KEY for me. Had PPD and PPS for a year and a half. I’m a better woman now and I can laugh it her stupid ass!!!!

    • heidihowes permalink*
      March 16, 2010 6:32 pm

      Thanks , Carla. Numbness is my greatest pain via PPD– not *feeling* love is so horrible.
      What is PPS, if you don’t mind my asking?


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